Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What is InsightofMe?

    InsightofMe is a social platform that aims to show you how you are perceived by people in your surroundings.

  2. Where does the name InsightofMe come from?

    When naming InsightofMe, our intention was to have a name that could capture the underlying idea of the platform. The word "Insight" in English signifies understanding the inner nature of a being or event. As a secondary meaning, it represents detailed statistical information. The term InsightofMe carries a meaning akin to my inner self. In essence, InsightofMe seeks to discover the traits you project to those around you, providing insights into who you truly are.

  3. What is the underlying idea of InsightofMe?

    People exhibit different characteristics in various social circles, yet they carry certain traits across different environments, which define their character. Even if individuals are not aware, these traits are often noticed by many people in their surroundings. The best way to learn about these traits is by obtaining the opinions of those around us. Therefore, InsightofMe allows people in your surroundings to anonymously rate your qualities without any reservations, helping you discover these traits.

  4. Is the use of InsightofMe paid?

    No. The use of is free of charge.

  5. How can I sign up for InsightofMe?

    On the website, you can start the registration process by entering your email address in the box on the homepage and clicking the register button, or you can sign up using your social media accounts by clicking the social network buttons.
    On the Android app, you can start the registration process by clicking the social network buttons on the login page or by clicking the Register button at the bottom of the page. After creating my InsightofMe account, how do I learn about my personality traits? When you create an InsightofMe account, you will be prompted to create a personalized personality test for yourself. You can include the personality aspects you are most curious about in the test. After creating your test, you should send it to your friends for them to evaluate you. When 5 friends evaluate you, you can see the most prominent personality trait. When 10 friends evaluate you, you can see all 6 personality traits.

  6. How is the test created?

    After logging into the platform, press the create test button on the screen where you see your profile, and add at least 6 options on the page you reach, then press the save button.

  7. I created a test, but I see zero evaluations, what should I do?

    Make sure you have sent the link to your test to people around you. If you have done that, you can wait for a while. If you think you have waited long enough, you can call the people you sent the test to and ask them to evaluate it.

  8. I created my test, but I created a new one while there are a few evaluations, what happens?

    Creating a new test will reset all your evaluations. So, when you create a new test, the new test needs to be evaluated, and the traits will be reconstructed accordingly.

  9. Where can I get the link to my test?

    You can copy it from the window that opens when you press the save button while creating the test, or you can press the button labeled "Send Test" on the page where you see your profile on the website. In the Android app, you can also automatically copy it by pressing the button labeled "Send Test."

  10. Why can't I see any results until I have at least 5 evaluations?

    InsightofMe needs your friends' evaluations to decide which personality traits stand out the most. In order to provide meaningful information about you, we ideally need evaluations from at least ten friends. However, after 5 evaluations, we may be able to identify at least the most prominent aspect. Hence, you can see your first trait after the initial 5 evaluations.

  11. How can I share my evaluation results?

    Once you have reached a sufficient number of evaluations, you can share your results by pressing the "Share Results" button on the page where you view your profile on the website, or by using the "Share Results" button on the profile page in the Android app.

  12. Will I be able to see who made the evaluations?

    No. We aim to keep the names of evaluators anonymous on the platform. The second reason for requesting multiple evaluations is to allow individuals to freely assess you.

  13. What is the Ego Score?

    The Ego Score is a credit system on the InsightofMe platform. When your Ego Score is greater than 5, you can access all personality traits without waiting for the total number of evaluations to reach 10. While the Ego Score currently serves this function, it may provide more assistance in the future.

  14. How can I earn Ego Score?

    To earn Ego Score, you can watch ads through our Android app.

  15. How do I evaluate my own friends?

    To evaluate your friends, you can ask them to send you a link or search for their username in the "Find Friends" section. When you click on a search result, you will access your friend's test.

  16. Does someone need to register just to make evaluations?

    No. Having the test link is sufficient to make evaluations; registration is not required solely for the purpose of evaluation.

  17. How should I fill out the test when evaluating someone?

    On the test screen, you will see pairs of personality traits, representing the two extremes of a personality aspect. To determine which point your friend is closer to, you need to slide the circle in the middle. If you are unsure, you can leave the circle in the middle.

  18. How can I delete my account and personal data?

    You can permanently delete all your information registered on In this case, your information will be cleared from our servers, and recovery will not be possible. To do this, you can use the "Delete My Account" option on your account settings page.